Sunday 13 November 2016


In order to plan for the making of my film and the ways in which it can be distributed, I made a specialist Twitter account for my Media Course, which I can utilise as a vehicle for the distribution of my film opening.

One of the reasons that Twitter is extremely successful as a Social Media distribution platform is due to how, according to Alan Rusbridger, "It's where things happen first". When an important event happens, people can take to Twitter to essentially live stream a particular event, and its high number of registered users  means that news spreads very quickly, even more so due to its use of hashtags which can group posts about the same topic together. Although it has a character limit of 140 characters per tweet, the most tweeted things are often hyperlinks or images, which spread extremely far with the retweet option, which enables users to share other people's tweets, which is extremely useful to distribution as a famous figure could retweet a tweet about a film, thus reaching all of the followers said famous person has, making it a key form of distribution among the film industry.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. You have studied Rusbridger's article and organized your Twitter feed to appear on your blog.
