4 Who is YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE for your film?

4. Who is my Target Audience:

1. Who is my Primary Target Audience? The primary target audience for my film is British people of both genders from the ages of 18-35 who enjoy dramas, war films, and independant cinema.

2. What makes my Film Stand Out from the Competition? My film stands out because it features a soldier who has returned from war and is suffering clear signs of PTSD, thus differentiating it from simple war films as it focuses extently on how he adapts to life at home rather than his experiences in combat.

3. Why Should my Audience Watch my Film? My audience should watch my film because it offers a unique look into the mind of a fractured soldier that is not seen in many other films, and would act as the greatest look into the mind of a soldier since Full Metal Jacket

The time I've focused on understanding my audience helped me to create a profile of my ideal audience member, which thus helped me in creating my marketing strategy.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very good. You show understanding of how audiences are profiled by companies such as NME and Bauer Media, how different types of profiling and audience segmentation work; theoretical frameworks such as Maslow and Adorno; and how the BFI use exit polls to ascertain audience responses. You have created an audience profile for your film 'Home' and have a clear idea of its tastes and habits. Good work, appropriately supported by evidence and illustration. Spelling: Maslow.
