What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
TWITTER: I created a personal Twitter account for my Media A Level so that I could follow significant individuals and groups that were related to film production eg Warner Bros and Casey Neistat as well as Pete Fraser, our chief examiner. I read an article by Alan Rusbridger, which stated that Twitter is extremely useful as a research tool.
FACEBOOK: I used Facebook in order to research official Facebook pages of many successful films such as Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which was extremely useful in seeing how companies like the Big Six organise Facebook pages for marketing their films                   
ART OF THE TITLE: Art of the Title was extremely useful as a research tool because it enabled me to view hundreds of Film Openings of a similar genre to my own, and it gave me inspiration through watching the various film openings of what I could include in mine.  
Open Art of the Title Website HERE
SLIDESHARE: I used Slideshare in my research in order to upload a PowerPoint I had created on the opening to Spectre, and was very useful in helping me present my research in a clear, easily accessible way

EMAZE: I used Emaze in my research in order to present another film opening analysis from Art of the Title, except Emaze was different from Slideshare as it enabled me to present it in a very attractive, visually appeasing and colourful manner.
Powered by emaze
WHATS APP: I used What'sApp to keep in touch when planning with my group, and to organise meetings to plan our film and to decide filming dates.
PINTEREST: Pinterest enabled us to collect together a series of images for the mise-en-scene of our Army based film.

TRELLO: Trello was an extremely useful tool for me to use in planning because it greatly assisted in helping me manage my time as it helped me to meet my deadlines by presenting them to me and motivated me to complete them.

EMAZE: Like Slideshare, Emaze presents work visually with beautiful graphical tools and accepts PowerPoint uploads.                                                                                                                                       BLOGGER: Blogger was extremely useful in planning as it enabled me to create my own blog, which gave me access to lots of different presentational tools which I used for planning my film opening.
FACETIME: Using Facetime, I was able to communicate with the other member of my group and was able to decide over Facetime what scenes we wanted to film as well as what the intial plot of our film would be and how we would develop it

CAMERA: I used a Canon 700D to film my opening, which was extremely useful as it is easy to use, and the quality of the camera is high along with its depth of field.
IMOVIE: I used iMovie as my primary editing tool in stringing together the continuity of my film as well as sound effects and music, which was easy to use and let me do whatever I wanted to the clips of my opening.
TRIPOD: I used a Manfrotto Tripod to assist in my filming by using it to stabilise the camera and achieve a much more solid, professional shot rather than simply using handheld.
RODE MICROPHONE: I used a Rode microphone to enhance the diegetic sound in my film opening, which was extremely useful as it gave our film a much clearer and more grounded professionalism to it.

Visme: Visme allowed me to present evidence about how I used technology to present my work in a visually aesthetic way by using a mixture of text, colours, hyperlinks and images
YOUTUBE: I uploaded my final film opening to Youtube, where I was able to receive feedback from my peers. I also used it for my evaluation question 1, where I annotated my work on my production. My production work will form part of Claremont Media’s Youtube channel, where it will be available to most people.
FACEBOOK: I made a Facebook page for my film opening and it enabled me to receive feedback, which assisted me in evaluating my opening.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent embrace of a wide variety of new technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages. This answer works best where you have evidence in the form of screenshots and hyperlinks.
