Monday 21 November 2016


A train returns from London and we see a man in a suit sitting in the train whilst the camera is in a close up of his face. As he stares forward there is a close up of a briefcase or mysterious package he is holding in his hands. There is then a flashback to the same man standing outside a skyscraper in London. He is then seen approaching a spy who is holding the same package and murders him, taking the package and running off. This then cuts back to the train as it reaches the protagonist's stop. The camera then follows him out of the train and down a street until he is stopped by mire government agents who corner him and force him to get into a car which pulls up to Claremont. As the protagonist is forced inside the Mansion he is dragged into an Office with a very important member of MI6. The senior executive then asks him what he thinks he was planning to do with the case. He refuses to answer. The executive forces the bodyguards to write a tally into the protagonist's arm. After a small conversation about the package, the protagonist is knocked out and wakes up on the same train going to the same platform hours earlier as if it were a dream. He then looks down, but sees the tally on his arm that has been marked on his arm hours in the future.

1 comment:

  1. You have since developed and updated your treatment. Please post the later version.
