Monday 31 October 2016

Business of Film Online Course

During the half term, in order to prove to the examiner my interest in the Film Industry as well as my initiative to learn more about the Production stage of filming, I enrolled in an online course about the business of film using the website Futurelearn. It was extremely helpful to me as it gave me a deeper understanding of topics that I am passionate about, such as the stages of filming as well as the different costs needed to produce a film. It taught me the several different stages of production that films have to go through t get the green light, as well as the roles of the film industry in the UK and how the BFI raises the funds for a wide variety of independent films through the National Lottery.

I have found the course useful and relevant to producing my film opening as its coverage of the stages of production, as well as the ways in which to plan a film (via storyboards) is very transferrable and will assist me greatly once I come to design what will happen in my film opening. Its detail on distribution has also been extremely useful, as even the most high budget films still use free forms of distribution such as social media eg Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, which is something that I can still use to distribute my film opening in order to make it seem more authentic and professional

1 comment:

  1. What have you learned so far that is relevant to your own production and distribution?
